• Luke, Roy, Nathan and Angela Verrips - Naperville, IL 2020

    Luke, Roy, Nathan and Angela Verrips - Naperville, IL 2020

  • Nathan, Angela, Roy and Luke Verrips - Naperville, IL 2021

    Nathan, Angela, Roy and Luke Verrips - Naperville, IL 2021

  • Rachel, Angela, Roy and Nathan Verrips - Dubai 2004

    Rachel, Angela, Roy and Nathan Verrips - Dubai 2004

  • Angela, Luke, Nathan and Roy Verrips - Dubai 2006

    Angela, Luke, Nathan and Roy Verrips - Dubai 2006

  • Angela, Luke, Nathan and Roy Verrips - Dubai 2008

    Angela, Luke, Nathan and Roy Verrips - Dubai 2008

  • Roy, Angela, Nathan and Luke Verrips - Dubai 2009

    Roy, Angela, Nathan and Luke Verrips - Dubai 2009

  • Nathan, Angela, Luke and Roy Verrips - Dubai 2010

    Nathan, Angela, Luke and Roy Verrips - Dubai 2010

  • Nathan, Roy, Angela and Luke Verrips - Abu Dhabi 2012

    Nathan, Roy, Angela and Luke Verrips - Abu Dhabi 2012

  • Nathan, Angela, Luke and Roy Verrips - Doha, Qatar 2014

    Nathan, Angela, Luke and Roy Verrips - Doha, Qatar 2014

  • Luke, Angela, Roy and Nathan Verrips - Naperville, IL 2018

    Luke, Angela, Roy and Nathan Verrips - Naperville, IL 2018

About Us

We are Roy, Angela, Nathan and Luke Verrips, a Christian family living in Greer, South Carolina since the summer of 2022.

We are originally from South Africa, but before moving to the US in 2016 we spent about 15 years living as a family in the Middle East. Dubai in the United Arab Emirates was home for most of our time in the gulf, but we also lived for a year in Abu Dhabi, and two years in Doha, Qatar.

We are a bible believing Christian family who strive to put God at the center of our household. Roy and Angela are members of Reidville Presbyterian Church in America.

We pray and trust that God will continue to strengthen us in His mercy and grace, and that we may be a blessing to those He brings across our path.

Our Saviour is Gentle and Lowly in heart. (Matthew 11:29)

Yours in Him

The Verrips Family

(Updated December 2024)


Roy VerripsRoy works as a Director of IT for Auro Hotels, a Hotel Ownership company based in Greenville, South Carolina – When he's not working, aside from spending time with his family he loves reading and does a little php, javascript and laravel β€œon the side.” You can contact or follow Roy on the following networks:


Angela VerripsAngela works from home (i.e. is a housewife) caring for Roy, Nathan and Luke. Angela further strives to make our home a "safe haven", so enjoys also being a sales consultant for Norwex, North America. To relax Angela enjoys to knit and crochet. She is an excellent cook and her oven baked macaroni and cheese is legendary. She also enjoys baking cookies and other treats, so come hungry! Angela's Norwex consultant site and social network links are below:


Nathan VerripsNathan is twenty three, and loves the Gray Havens Music, Lord of The Rings lore, Grond and playing board games. Nathan graduated from College of DuPage in 2023 as a Certified Opthalmic Technicial on his path into a career of optometry/ophthalmology.He current works as a Certified Opthalmic Technician at Palmetto Eye & Laser Center. Nathan further keeps busy editing and updating a number of Christian websites linked below:


Rachel VerripsRachel was born in March 2004 with CMV (i.e. Cytomegalo Virus) – She had chronic hepatitides and severe jaundice from birth that eventually lead to complete liver failure, and she went to be with our Lord in November 2004.
Her constant smile touched everyone it fell upon and we are honoured that God shared her with us and made her part of our family, even for such a short time.


Luke VerripsLuke is eighteen years old and loves spending time with people, especially when they can talk through serious things like game theory and strategy (and sometimes just silly things too). Like his brother, Nathan, Luke loves strategy games, board games and role-playing games: The two of them are in various clubs and online groups and leagues, and Luke is also actively developing a mythical world called Drakomere.

There are some interesting uploads on his YouTube channel (under the handle SkilfulArcher) linked below.

What we Believe

We are a Christian (Protestant/Evangelical/Reformed) family who believe the Bible to be God's true word. The below 7-minute video is a brief summary and explaination of "What a Christian is" and "What it is Christians Believe".

What is a Christian?

If you have any questions, feel free to email us.
